Well, my car at least seems to be the cause of the black hole at any rate.
It broke down last week - thankfully, my brother used to work as a mechanic so he picked up the new part required and fixed it right up. All I needed to pay for was the part. Had I gone to the garage that would have been three-figures easily!
My car insurance has gone out this month too.
But I totally forgot all about my car tax being due this month. That's a bill I wasn't prepared for! Gone up since last year as expected.
In short, my wages from last month have gone on my car and rent. That's it! Not a penny left over! If anything, I'm still digging into what I had before being paid.
It's quite startling. Yet Nora is still perplexed as why I'm looking for full-time work! No concept of how little she pays me and that it seriously is not enough, particularly during months like this one. You can't predict when your car is going to break down or when an expensive dental / health / vet bill needs to be paid.
I'm doing all I can to be careful with my money and still pay for my upcoming holiday, yet I'm genuinely concerned I'll have to actually take money out of my savings account - the account I've been putting money into since before I even had a job (saving my pocket money even way back then) which I've always intended for BIG purchases, like a deposit on a home or a new car (second-hand most likely but 'new' to me), possibly a wedding fund - those kind of purchases.
I don't want to have to touch that money just to keep my head above water. I know it's there if I need it, but I fear that if I dip into it once, I'll keep doing it. 'I just need a little', or 'I'll be able to put the money back when I'm working full time!' - it's taken a long time to build it up, but it could easily disappear if I'm not more careful than I am now.
7 Reasons to Do a Credit Check Regularly
3 years ago
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