So much for that!

Friday, 30 September 2011

So much for holding onto my 'feel-good' feelings from my holiday - first day back working with Nora and she's hacked me off so much.

I don't understand how she can be so patronising!  Does not matter what I do (and I do everything asked of me and more) I get no thanks, just condescending questions as to why I've done things a certain way or why I've not done something else already (not enough hours in the day and oh, I'm not a mind-reader).  Seriously, I can not do anything right in her book!  And she has a horrible knack of making you feel small.  :'(   I was nearly in tears.

On top of that, Nora is suddenly on a drive to cut-back and save money everywhere she can.  That pretty much explains why Billy has been given some extra shifts and not me.  He's a teenager - she does not have to pay him as much as me.

So aside from the fact that I'm still fuming at her attitude towards I now have an added concern; that the shop is not making enough money to keep me on.  Billy has no other job lined up, he costs her less (for another year or two I think, is it 21 the minimum wage goes up?) and I've done most of the donkey work on the website already ... so once Christmas is over, is she really going to need me?

Screw it.  I'm working on my CV right this minute and got a potential employer in my sights.

Already daydreaming of handing my notice in ... would it be bad form to give her the finger and tell her what a nasty person she is as I waltz out on my last day?  Meh, probably ... but again, I can daydream for the time being ...


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