So pleased! Looks like a nice enough place to work. I have been warned, however, that the two bosses (a married couple) are quite set in their ways and can be a bit difficult at times. Well, they can't be worse than Nora! At the end of the day, I don't intend to stay there forever. It's full time and in my home town so I'll be earning more and will be able to start putting money in my savings account again which I have not been able to do for some time.
I still want to get into dental nursing but until that opportunity comes along, this one could do quite nicely!
When I arrived I skimmed the visitors book, looking for other candidates, just to get an idea of how many people I'm up against. I spotted two obvious ones but didn't get a chance to look for any more or else they simply didn't put 'interview' down as their reason for visiting. But in any case, the two men that interviewed me seemed very nice, and as I was being shown back out, I was informed that one candidate who had been interviewed the day before had turned up wearing a cowboy hat!
Interview attire - this ain't it! |
Who let that girl go to an interview wearing a cowboy hat?? There's an endless list of Things Not to Wear to a Job Interview and I'm fairly certain silly hats are near the top. She must have either thought she was doing something to make herself memorable or delibrately trying not to get the job (perhaps she wants to stay on benefits but told she must attend interviews in order to be able to keep claiming? Wouldn't be the first I've heard of it). Third option is she's just plain clueless about dressing appropriately.
I'm rather hoping that that puts me ahead of her in the running for this job. A second girl apparently stated that she wanted to work in a larger busier office with lots of people. Since this one is rather small, only a handful of people, that might rule her out too.
So potentially two less competitors for the job. That's fine by me!
Roll on Thursday and my next two interviews.
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